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The email address is unique and nominative. If you register several people from the same company, please fill in different email addresses.
38 characters max.
The personal information collected is processed by Premium Sourcing - Infopro Digital Trade Shows (a subsidiary of Infopro Digital group), RCS de Lyon France 440 290 070. They are necessary, among other things, to process your registration for the event and are recorded in our database. Infopro Digital Trade Shows or any company in the Infopro Digital group may use these datas to offer you, on their behalf or that of their clients, products and/or services useful to your professional activities or to include in professional directories.
To exercise your rights, to oppose this or to find out more: Infopro Digital Group Privacy Policy.
During the event, in order to send you documentation and to provide you with commercial offers and information, by email in particular, certain exhibitors, partners, sponsors, workshop or conference organisers will scan your visitor badge with your agreement. They will then be the recipients of your personal data - this collection and processing is the sole responsibility of these organisations (to exercise your rights with these Partners, consult their Privacy Policy on their website).